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Showing posts with the label RESTful API

Restful API for Beginners

Introduction: Everyone is saying Rest API. Sometimes people say  only API to rest apis.RESTful API is for accessing blah blah service or to do blah blah functionality. In corporate world, fresher get confused when seniors give them task to create new api to call blah blah service or to do blah blah functionality. So what is this REST API? REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style, and an approach to communications.Using this REST whatever functionality we create known as REST API. We can implement  rest-api using various providers but usually people use Jersey and Spring . As per my choice personally I would like to use jersey which keep code neat and clean. Rest follows client-server architecture with Front Controller Design Pattern. It completely depends on http protocol .REST implementation is very easy and run in  less memory compared to SOAP. Rest Support following parameter techniques to pass input for our web service...