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Apache Solr Search Framework

Introduction: SOLR stands for Searching On Lucene with Replication . Its main functionalities are indexing and searching. Solr is an open source enterprise search server/ web application Created by Yonik Seeley in 2004. In 2012 4.0 version with Cloud support. Solr uses lucene search library and extends it. Solr exposes lucene Java API's as RESTful services. Terminology: Solr Instance: In Apache Solr, a Solr Instance is an instance a Solr running in the JVM. In Standalone mode, Solr contains only one instance. Solr Core: In Apache Solr, a Solr Core is also known as simply “Core”. In other words, a Solr Core = an instance of Apache Lucene Index + Solr Configuratio. Indexing: In Apache Lucene or Solr, Indexing is a technique of adding Document’s content to Solr Index so that we can search them easily. Apache Solr uses Apache Lucene Inverted Index technique to Index it’s documents. That’s why Solr provides very fast searching feature. Document: Solr...